
Way Found to Quickly Analyze Mitochondrial Components, Key to Disease Study

Researchers have developed a way of more accurately and rapidly isolating mitochondria to allow the study of its enzymes and metabolites. The method is likely to advance research in a number of disease fields, with particular impact on studies of mitochondrial diseases. Described in the study “Absolute Quantification of Matrix Metabolites…

Range of Symptoms May Point to Common Mitochondrial Mutation

The variable symptoms of mitochondrial diseases make it challenging for physicians trying to diagnose a condition. To aid their work, researchers identified clinical and molecular symptoms typical of patients carrying a specific mitochondrial mutation, and suggested genetic testing be performed when these symptoms are present. The study,“Clinical and Molecular Characteristics…

Study Shows Mitochondrial DNA, Nuclear Gene Interaction May Provide Clues to Mitochondrial Diseases

Researchers from New Zealand have shown for the first time that mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) can leave the mitochondria, travel to the nucleus, and establish interactions with specific genes. Findings from the study “Interactions between mitochondrial and nuclear DNA in mammalian cells are non-random,” published in the journal Mitchondrion, may provide…