Magdalena Kegel,  —

Magdalena is a writer with a passion for bridging the gap between the people performing research, and those who want or need to understand it. She writes about medical science and drug discovery. She holds an MS in Pharmaceutical Bioscience and a PhD — spanning the fields of psychiatry, immunology, and neuropharmacology — from Karolinska Institutet in Sweden.

Articles by Magdalena Kegel

How Mitochondria Prevent Spread of Heart or Skeletal Muscle Damage

Heart mitochondria build power grid networks in a way that allows them to confine disturbances in energy flow to a small region, preventing damage to an entire muscle. The insight may help scientists further understand heart and skeletal muscle function in conditions ranging from heart to mitochondrial disease. Mitochondria, known as…

New Method Measures Mitochondrial Capacity to Produce Energy in Individual Muscles

A noninvasive method for analyzing the effectiveness of mitochondrial energy production in individual muscle groups shows promise to improve assessments in people with mitochondrial disease. Researchers hope the new method will complement current methods, based on magnetic resonance spectroscopy, to improve diagnostics, long-term monitoring, and evaluation of treatment response in…

New Knowledge About Mitochondrial Proteins May Improve Disease Diagnostics

In a major effort to better understand the molecular workings of mitochondria, researchers discovered how 31 proteins contribute to mitochondrial functionality, identifying two additional factors that may be used to improve diagnostics of mitochondrial disease. So far, mutations in the genes coding for the two proteins have not been linked to mitochondrial…

Way Found to Quickly Analyze Mitochondrial Components, Key to Disease Study

Researchers have developed a way of more accurately and rapidly isolating mitochondria to allow the study of its enzymes and metabolites. The method is likely to advance research in a number of disease fields, with particular impact on studies of mitochondrial diseases. Described in the study “Absolute Quantification of Matrix Metabolites…

Range of Symptoms May Point to Common Mitochondrial Mutation

The variable symptoms of mitochondrial diseases make it challenging for physicians trying to diagnose a condition. To aid their work, researchers identified clinical and molecular symptoms typical of patients carrying a specific mitochondrial mutation, and suggested genetic testing be performed when these symptoms are present. The study,“Clinical and Molecular Characteristics…